Our Terms & Conditions of use
The terms and conditions for using this website are very simple.
Although every effort is made to make this site as safe as possible and to ensure that no links are broken, tampered with, or added, this website is provided 'as is' without any warranty given or implied whatsoever. We unfortunately cannot and do not give any guarantee as to the advice given on our site, nor can we guarantee that it is free from viruses, spyware or other malware, due to the dynamic and constantly changing threats worldwide. We will not accept any claims for loss or damage of any sort which has, or is claimed to come from, the use of or visiting of this site.
Please do your own research to verify that information supplied is suitable for your use and your device(s). When downloading any file or software, check it with at least two virus checkers before using or installing it and ALWAYS, ensure that you are protected by at least one Internet Security Suite that includes a firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware software at all times when connected to the internet, including when visiting our site.

If you need to contact us, please only do so using one of the links below or on one of our other pages, depending on the reason. Please do NOT rely on email links to contact us on other websites, as these will almost certainly be fake and risky.
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